Grandmother had redish blond hair. Daddys belief was Free Will Baptist Virdie Bell (Butler) Forrester Father Benjamin Harrison Butler Daddy was born in 1888. He was 12 yrs. old when his mother died. She was a Methodist. My Daddy remembers going to church with her. He remembers them having a foot washing service and seeing someone get happy and kick over a pan of water. That was about 89 or 90 yrs. ago while the Methodist was still a foot washing, shouting christian church.
Grandmother (daddy's mother) was Hulda Hay - She had some Irish in her
Grandfather Butler had some Dutch in him. He and his family were Church of Christ. However he wasn't baptized into the church until the last few yrs. he lived. Both of his wives were Methodist.
Virdie Bell (Butler) Forrester Mother Rosie Lou Emma (Shepard) Butler Grandmother Mary Jane (Gene) Shepard Grandmother's father was a Primitave Baptist preacher Grandmother was kindly tall & slender, blue eyes, was Free Will Baptist. Grandfather Shepard was a Free Will Baptist. He was kindly tall & slender, I think blue eyes. He was part Indian, I think.