Mary Montgomery and baby Roach, (The Lexington Progress, April 3, 1942)
Two Killed In Wreck Near Scotts Hill: A group of folks from the Gray's Chapel community, Decatur County, started last Sunday to the storm stricken area near Beacon in a flat bed truck driven by Charlie Phillips. Among those in the group were Miss Mary Montgomery, 15 years of age, who was holding the baby six months of age, of a Mrs. Roach. When the truck reached the front of the home of John S. Pratt, it was discovered that a rug on which all were sitting was on fire, and a lady in the crowd yelled for all to jump, which Miss Montgomery did, with the baby she was holding, and to the death of both. Miss Montgomery's neck was broken and the baby's skull fractured, and death was instant. Mrs. Roach, mother of then baby had a leg broken when she jumped from the car. It is assumed that the rug was hanging over the end of the truck had become ignited from the exhaust pipe. Funeral services were held for the victims at Gray's Chapel.
CROSSING THE DARK RIVER, Henderson County, Tennessee, Obituaries 1827-1950, Brenda Kirk Fiddler, Lexington, Tennessee 1999
Researcher's Note: Per Mary Lynn Montgomery Butler, the young lady killed in the accident described above was Ruth Montgomery buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Apparently, the reporter either had the name wrong or else the young lady's name was Mary Ruth Montgomery.